The personal blood glucose meter was developed for Hypoguard, part of the Medisys Group Company. It has since been bought out by arkray.
They needed a low-cost, reusable meter. It uses a drop-blood biosensor strip. It was designed to be compact, convenient to use and offer quick results on a large, easy-to-read digital display. Tactile buttons were designed to help users who often lose the sensitivity in their finger-tips. A carrycase was also developed for the meter.
Following a concept generation phase, the meter was fully developed using 3D CAD, designing all the mouldings ensuring they were suitable to be injection moulded.
The products were engineered using ProENGINEER 3D CAD, with all mouldings fully defined for the toolmaker. Working closely with a Far East manufacturer; costs were kept to a minimum. (Developed whilst employed at Pearson Matthews).